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Agency Stand-up Course

Stand-up comedy coaching for advertising agencies

My highly acclaimed stand-up course has been running in London and elsewhere for over approaching twenty years and hundreds have done it. I’ve also taken it into a host of advertising agencies and taken a mixed group of staff through the process of learning:

* killer speaking skills
* audience engagement and management techniques
And of course:
* storytelling and joke writing and performing skills. 

This is all put into practice in a wonderfully warm and supportive stand-up show on the last night of the course for friends, family and colleagues. 


Clients include:


"At LIDA we have been engaging Chris Head to run his stand-up comedy course. Ten people from across the agency, across a wide range of disciplines and levels sign up. I can honestly say it is a truly brilliant course that I couldn’t recommend highly enough. Its fantastic for the individual - building confidence, self awareness and presentation skills. It's brilliant team building for the team that sign up each year and it is culturally part of our LIDA DNA now. The course culminates in a show. A night the whole agency gets behind and looks forward to. The best value for money training. Chris is simply brilliant.” 
Victoria Fox, CEO at LIDA

London Evening Standard

Here is an article from 2019 about how my course helps with confidence, presence and even likeability in the workplace.

Here are snippets from the showcase at the end of a McCann stand-up course.

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Agency student comments on the stand-up course:

“Chris himself was inspiring, really knew his stuff and engaged all of us (even the more reluctant among us) from the word go.” 

“He got to know us all personally and encouraged us to build on our strengths rather than fashioning a particular style.” 

“An unforced, un-corporate learning environment.”

“I gained an aware of my delivery style in presentations, in meetings, even with my mates!”

“Discover your real personality and how you can use it to your professional benefit.”

“No corporate ‘team building’ bollocks can even come close - camaraderie experienced on a whole new level.”

“I left with a tremendous sense of achievement and gratitude to the agency for investing in the course and a feeling of being in an elite club of those who had the balls to do it”.


5 weekly sessions

4 x evenings 5pm-7.30pm (classes)

1 x SHOW 7pm-9.30pm (in a comedy club that I will book)





Discovery Call

To discuss dates, venues and any queries.

Django Weisz (Superheroes agency, Amsterdam)

"The sessions with Chris were really inspiring. Chris managed to create a safe setting so people could really engage and participate in the assignments without hesitation. We learned how to break with the usual way of making and doing presentations and received some very good tools to improve the way of presenting. On top of this the sessions were really good for team building."

Victoria Fox, CEO at LIDA (M&C Saatchi)

"At LIDA we have been engaging Chris Head to run his stand-up comedy course. Ten people from across the agency, across a wide range of disciplines and levels sign up. I can honestly say it is a truly brilliant course that I couldn’t recommend highly enough. Its fantastic for the individual - building confidence, self awareness and presentation skills. It's brilliant team building for the team that sign up each year and it is culturally part of our LIDA DNA now. The course culminates in a show. A night the whole agency gets behind and looks forward to. The best value for money training. Chris is simply brilliant.” 

Simon Devereux,
Bank Paribas, Amsterdam

“We are an international team of portfolio managers. For our annual team meeting Chris gave us a day completely filled with funny exercises, good discussions on dos and don'ts when speaking for clients and some nice examples of a few of the best stand-up comedians out there. We really enjoyed the way he taught us how to handle hecklers and the course certainly helped us to get to know a lot more about each other. Therefore the team building targets were certainly met and we will also be much better equipped the next time we'll be presenting in front of our clients.”
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+44 7814962687


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