For beginners and intermediate level, receive highly practical and inspiring online coaching via Zoom.
(See below for beginners)
1 hour session on Zoom
Improve your stand-up performance and material
This is the session for you if:
- you have started doing stand-up - you want to improve your writing and performance
You can send me a video of a gig and a script if you have one ahead of the session.
Or you can send me some specific material/ jokes to look at
Or you can just come along with ideas and topics to discuss.
In the session I will work with you on your performance and material (or anything else you have asked me to work on):
The kinds of things we will typically cover are:
I will go over your material, showing you what’s working and where you can improve the material
and we will explore new angles and topics for you to write about
I can also help you develop material and improve jokes
If you have a video and want to look at performance, I can go over clips from your video with you. We will watch key sections and discuss what’s working well already and where you can improve your delivery, performance and stage craft.
I will typically look at:
* Coming up onto the stage and starting your set – how to get off to the best start
* Using the microphone – how to use the microphone professionally and so you are not too loud or too quiet
* The pace and timing of your delivery – getting the rhythm right so your jokes land
* How to interact with the audience – asking questions, reacting to heckling
* Pausing for laughs - how to do it and what to do while you’re pausing
* Your physicality on stage – how to use body language and physical comedy
* Joke techniques like rule-of-three, misdirection and undercutting.
* Act-outs: are you doing them? Can you do them better?
* Your persona – how are you coming across and how you can develop your on stage self.
The session is £60 GBP
In 1 hour on Zoom you will receive inspiring, detailed and practical feedback to improve your writing and performance
Plus a recording of the session
And notes of the main points
I work with new comedians who are performing in English in the UK, Europe, USA, Australia, India (including Hinglish performances), East Asia and more.
- I have also worked with comics who don’t perform in English, or not exclusively in English, as so many of the practical skills apply in any language.
You can send me ahead of the session:
A video of a gig (tell me where and when)
And a script if you have one
Or you can just come along with ideas and subjects to discuss
Email to chris@chrishead.com
1 hour session on Zoom
Get started with stand-up. Develop your stand-up performance and material
This is the session for you if:
- you haven’t done stand-up yet
- you have an open-spot booked, or intend to do one
* Come to the session with ideas for material that we can work on – or at least some topics you might talk about
* Plus please send me links to 3 short stand-up videos from comedians you like
(Clips around 3 mins or less)
* If you have one, you can also send me a script in advance
* If you have already developed an act, you can send me a rehearsal video in advance
- I will go over the clips of comedians that you have selected. We will watch key sections and discuss what they’re doing on a technical level in the writing and performing.
- I will draw out lessons you can learn in preparing for your own performance and in your writing
- If you are just at the ideas stage, we will discuss the ideas, or the topics you want to talk about, and I will help you find the funny angles.
- If you already have some material, I will help you punch it up and make it as strong as possible ahead of the gig
- We will work with joke techniques like rule-of-three, misdirection and undercutting
- And if you are telling stories, I can help you structure them and find the funny
- If you have sent me a rehearsal video, I will highlight what’s working and what you need to work on.
Whether you have a video or not, I will give you tips on:
* Coming up onto the stage and starting your set – how to get off to the best start
* Using the microphone – how to use the microphone professionally and so you are not too loud or too quiet
* The pace and timing of your delivery – getting the rhythm right so your jokes land
* Pausing for laughs - how to do it and what to do while you’re pausing
* Your persona – what will you wear and how will you present your on stage self in terms of attitude, energy and character.
The session is £60 GBP
In 1 hour on Zoom you will receive inspiring, detailed and practical coaching to get you ready for your gig
Plus an MP4 video of the session
And notes of the main points
I work with new comedians who are performing in English in the UK, Europe, USA, Australia, India (including Hinglish performances), East Asia and more.
- I have also worked with comics who don’t perform in English, or not exclusively in English, as so many of the practical skills apply in any language.
Please send me ahead of the session:
* Links to 2 short stand-up videos from comedians you like
* OPTIONAL: A script if you have one
* OPTIONAL: A rehearsal video of your set if you’re at that stage
Email to chris@chrishead.com